Our Partners

Klasse understands the importance of collaborating with partners and are proud to work with leading brands across all areas of business from SFS manufacturers to testing and certification houses.


A market pioneer, voestalpine Metsec SFS systems are today specified across countless construction projects, especially for medium-rise commercial, retail, healthcare, educational and municipal applications.
Klasse works with Metsec to test the fire performance of Klasse products when used in conjunction with Metsec’s SFS systems.

Visit Metsec

Ash & Lacy

The Ash & Lacy Group manufactures an exciting range of products and systems for the construction, automotive, acoustic and audio markets, exporting to numerous countries around the world.
Klasse works with Ash & Lacy to test the fire performance of Klasse products when used together with their SFS system.

Visit Ash & Lacy

Steel Formed Sections

SFS produce world class steel formed products, providing steel framing systems for cladding support.
Klasse works with Steel Formed Sections to supply building projects with industry leading steel framing and external sheathing board solutions.

Visit SFS

NBS Source

NBS Source is a tool that creates a single source for product information. Unlike any other product library, NBS Source provides an additional level of enhanced product data, in a consistent, structured format that can integrate seamlessly into project workflows.
Klasse lists key products on Source, with all technical data available for quick download.

Visit Klasse on NBS Source


ribacpd.com indexes over 1,500 pieces of high quality construction-related RIBA assessed and approved CPD materials, available to architects and specifiers through the RIBA CPD Providers Network.

Visit Klasse on ribacpd.com


Finishes and Interiors Sector (FIS) was created to draw the finishes and interiors supply chain together to improve safety and quality, minimise risk, enhance productivity and help embrace innovation. The growing community of vetted members is made up of fit-out and specialist contractors, manufacturers and distributors involved in the supply and installation of ceilings, steel framing systems, operable walls, partitions, plastering, drylining and joinery products in every type of building.

Visit FIS


The Agrement Certificate is a UKAS-accredited product and system certificate scheme which enables manufacturers of products used in the construction industry to demonstrate a product’s fitness-for-purpose.

Visit BBA


United Kingdom Testing and Certification deliver market leading fire testing and certification services that enable manufacturers of building materials and products to demonstrate compliance with all appropriate international standards, regulatory obligations and customer expectations.

Visit UKTC

What's it like to work with Klasse?

We asked Ash & Lacy's Bernard Gale what he thinks of working with Klasse.